Welcome to my web page. I am a freelance consultant in quality and requirements management. You will find in me a partner with experience, expertise and reliability, coupled with empathy, good communication skills and the ability to quickly grasp the scope of the task.
A certain amount of creativity always helps me to find new ideas for the benefit of my customers. In doing so, I get to the heart of things and am not afraid to speak plainly on occasion. Additionally, I try to combine my work with an appropriate portion of humour. You can find examples of humour at work here.
In summary: a partner at your level, who is not afraid to lend a hand himself.

Requirements Management
Project Management with Metrics
Process improvements
In doing so, I draw on many years of experience in the common maturity models.
Quality Management
Training in methods and tools
Individual Coaching
Establishment, maintenance and further development of quality management systems

So I was able to use, and experience, the important developments as they happened.
Are you ready to take the next step? Then click the button and contact me today.